Saturday, June 19, 2010

Who is this chick? Why is she blogging? And why should I read it?

My name is Akili. It sounds like Achilles, without the "s". I am the "a" in a-typical. All things that I do and have done are typical, for me, Akili. :o) Thus the blog title, which I thought to be clever.

I was a-typical kid.
(click to enlarge)

I was a-typical teen.

For me, I'm a typical adult, I suppose. Though for me atypical is typical, so...there ya go. It's been over 10 years since I turned 18, and far too much has occurred for me to try and draw it all in one of those cute little film strip. :o) Fast forward to present and I am a wife, and mother to a wonderful almost 21-month-old baby girl. More children are in the future (sooner than later), and when the time comes I'll blog about that, of course. :o) Before I was a mother, I was a zoo-keeper; and before that, I was an actor and performer; before that I taught dance and gymnastics; and before that I taught horse-back riding to kids and teens; before that, well, I was in middle school. :o)
I'm a girl of many talents, and many faces. I like to write. I'm working on children's books and possible (one day) novels.

Check in every so often, 'cause who knows what I'm going to write about on this blog!? I sure don't. :o)
